You may or may not know that I am a little addicted to Lorna Jane.
I also love getting down to my local farmers markets and (hopefully soon) using my own home-grown produce, so this is particularly relevant at the moment.
You may or may not know that I am a little addicted to Lorna Jane.
I also love getting down to my local farmers markets and (hopefully soon) using my own home-grown produce, so this is particularly relevant at the moment.
I was given free reign on the colours and design but I went with a tie-dye pink and blue theme for this 60th cake for twins. It was a bit bigger than I usually do, a 30cm this time. Thanks Dayarna for asking me to do another cake for you, I'm glad everyone liked it!
My cousin Laura has come from USA to spend a year studying in Australia, going to James Cook University in Townsville and is home in Albury for the holidays. Her boyfriend went home for Christmas and Laura asked me to help her make him a cake to welcome him back, here is the result.