Sunday 19 February 2012

Quickie post - The Engagement cake! (Updated with a better photo)

I was honoured to do the cake for Hayley and Dan's engagement party on the weekend, Hayley was stunning in every way and Dan's bum even got a mention in the speeches!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Fairy Toadstool and Croque-en-bouche

I'll tell you something for nothing, I've been a bit busy! The school term has started which means Lia has Swimming one day, Preschool the next, and dancing the day after that. Preschool is great because it means I get half a day to myself to try and get the house under control... but I'm usually baking and decorating cakes instead.
Here are a couple of my latest creations, a fairy toadstool for a very lucky 2-year-old. This one was white chocolate mud cake with white chocolate ganache.
And this one was my birthday cake that wasn't a cake! Behold, the leaning tower of Croque-en-bouche! It was pretty yummy if I do say so myself. I made everything from scratch, from the Creme Patissiere (Custard Filling) to the Choux Pastries (Profiterole cases) and the Caramel/Toffee. It was all edible, even the flowers!
I've got a few more cakes coming up, including a 2-tier engagement cake, three themed little boys cakes, one of which is wheat-free so I need to test out some recipes before then, and Shane's birthday somewhere in there too. Where are all the girly ones!?
My visit to Myrtleford Butter last week wasn't as fruitful as I had hoped, their cafe shop was closed so I couldn't browse their whole range or see the churning machine, but I still got some butter, which is divine! Do you ever intend just to take a bite of something and end up eating the whole thing? I almost did that with my stick of Myrtleford Butter! The shop reopens on 26 Feb so I might do a little trip sometime after that.
Stay tuned for some boys cake craziness!

Monday 6 February 2012

Myrtleford Butter

I've got a meeting in Myrtleford today, I might pop in to the Myrtleford Butter Factory and grab myself some to use in my birthday cake that's not a cake. Is it strange that my birthday cake is a surprise for everyone except myself? Anyway, back to the point... I know you can get Myrtleford butter at a couple of places in Albury/Wodonga, but there's really nothing like getting local produce right from the source.

Last Saturday I delivered the Fairy Toadstool cake then dashed straight off to Merimbula for a week so I haven't had a chance to put any photos up but I will, it's just a matter of time! Speaking of getting produce right from the source, I had a delightful time exploring in Merimbula, but more about that in my next post.
